Sandi Talks About the Ideas and Independence of Bung Karno in UBK Bachelor Graduation

Channel Rakyat. Vice President Sandiaga Uno attended graduation from XVI University of Bung Karno (UBK) at Sudirman Hall, Jakarta. Sandiaga wants UBK graduates to embed the idea of ​​Sukarno's independence.

Sandiaga delivered a scientific speech at the XVI UBK undergraduate graduation, at Sudirman Hall, Jl Dr. Saharjo on Thursday (11/22/2018). Sandiaga was present accompanied by his wife, Nur Asia Uno.

At the beginning of his speech, Sandiaga talked about Sukarno's ideas. One of the issues discussed is independence.

"Bung Karno's idea was very suitable for young people. Bung Karno's first idea was independence. Both independence, independent economic ideas, right for young people who want to have their own space, have hopes that they want to develop themselves. Third is innovation," said Sandiaga .

Sandiaga summarizes Sukarno's ideas into one idea, entrepreneurship. With hope, job creation becomes open.

"I summarize it all in a concept of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship. We see that entrepreneurship is an expectation to open employment opportunities. Let's increase our ability to create entrepreneurs," Sandiaga said.

Sandiaga did not forget to urge UBK graduates not to forget history. History, continued Sandiaga, can foster a spirit of unity.

"We look at ideas, ideas and breakthroughs. Don't forget history. We must continue to encourage the unity of this nation," he said.


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