Sandiaga Uno: As long as I am in Central Java, there are many complaints from the public about the economy

Rakyat Utama.Before leaving for Aceh, candidate vice president number 02, Sandiaga Uno had reported campaign activities in several provinces in Central Java to Prabowo Subianto on Monday (11/19/2018) night.

The report on campaign activities was reported to be evaluated with Prabowo for the victory of the 2019 Presidential Election.

"I have just reported to Mr. Prabowo the results of a four-day visit to absorb aspirations in Temanggung Regency, Magelang Regency, Wonosobo Regency and Purworejo Regency, where local issues as well as those felt by the people there are all summarized," said Sandiaga in Prabowo's Residence.

During the campaign in Central Java, Sandi said that most community complaints were economic. Starting from the high price of basic necessities to the difficulty of finding work.

"The hope is that our policy is more pro-people. Agriculture as one of the sectors in the Central Java region, is also a major issue of our future campaign to absorb aspirations and start after this diagnosis to solve our solutions and work plans," he said.

Furthermore, according to Sandi, the data during the campaign and data owned by Prabowo during the campaign will be synchronized. So far 50 percent of the data has been entered to be able to draw conclusions about how much the community wants to change economic and government policies.

"So next month our internal data, our internal survey will confirm whether there are more people now who want the change. Because in our October internal survey, the data is already 50 percent. We will see whether this data is purely due to economic impulse or because also the hope that the new government of Insha Allah can be presented in 2019 will increase optimism, "he concluded.


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